Tag Archive | best mission trips

Let’s take a mission trip!

I love mission trips. Even though they come with a bit of stress I always look forward to the planning and packing. I love studying the destination, but there have been a few times when I have foregone the opportunity to research the surroundings and thought it might be better not knowing everything I might encounter.

I love meeting new Christians and watching how they are influencing the Kingdom in their parts of the world. I love meeting the lost and learning their story and telling them about the greatest story. I love working with others and seeing that, even if we don’t do everything exactly alike, we still serve the one true King.

I have learned through the years though that the best mission trips are the ones right around the block. Those where you not only have the chance to infiltrate your community, you can have a lasting impact on those you come in contact with daily. Those are the mission trips so many of us miss.

I’m afraid that we have neglected the words, “Go ye into the world” (Matthew 28:19) and instead changed them to, “Come to our building at 9:30AM on Sundays”. Truth is, we were instructed to go on daily mission trips. The ones where we don’t need a passport, suitcase, or medication to combat jet leg. We still might experience culture shock from time to time, but it’s those trips that will challenge us the most. Those where we have to continually think Jesus. Not just because we’re going to a new place, but because we’re in the same place we were yesterday and, if the Lord wills, the same place where we’ll be tomorrow. We must be consistent and choose our words and attitude carefully.

Prepare yourselves, because you’re invited to participate in a fun, upcoming mission trip. Forget the passport and immunizations. Save money by not booking any flights. You don’t even have to pack. Grab your Bible and go into your neighborhood. It will be the trip of a lifetime!

–by Paula Harrington