Tag Archive | bible verses about doves


Have you ever wondered how many times in Scripture God spoke of dove?  I have, and while reading Scripture and researching this article, I came across this article by brother Brownlow and thought you would appreciate knowing more about this gentle bird, and why God referred to it so often in His Word.

“O deliver not the soul of thy turtle-dove unto the multitude of the wicked:  forget not the congregation of thy poor forever.”     Psalms 74:19

In the above text, Israel is referred to as God’s dove, the mildest and softest of birds.  A dove is gentle and harmless.  And because of this extreme gentleness, a dove is easily captured, harmed or taken prey.  Wild beasts easily make short work of the defenseless dove.

It is noteworthy, therefore, that God has often used the dove to tell us worthy things:

It was a dove that God used to tell Noah when the waters of the flood had finally receded.  The dove returned first with nothing, then with an olive branch – a symbol that the earth was alive an hospitable again     Genesis 8:8-12

It was a dove that God used to represent His Spirit when God spoke from the heavens, “This is My beloved Son in whom I Am well pleased”     Matthew 3:17

It was a dove that Jesus used to represent the innocence and purity that His disciples should possess.  In sending out the twelve, He said,

“Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves”    Matthew 10:16

Today, God’s doves, His people, must always maintain their purity and gentleness and make themselves available to be used by God in the communication of great Truths.  And since “birds of a feather flock together,”  they have no business flying with the hawks.  Their contrasting dispositions do not make for affinity.”       ~ Leroy Brownlow

It is interesting to note doves and turtledoves were the only birds which could be offered in sacrifice, as they were clean according to the Mosaic law.     Genesis 15:9,  Leviticus 5:7 and  12:6

And when David was in distress he wanted to have the wings of a dove, that he might “fly away and be at rest.”

“And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove!  for then would I fly away, and be at rest.”        Psalms 55:6

“And straightway coming up out of the water, He saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon Him:  And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art My beloved Son, in whom I Am well pleased.”         Mark 1 10-11

Eileen Light