Tag Archive | cross of christ

Seen a cross lately?

Finding the Cross

Friends, family members, and believers stood at the cross (John 19:25ff). Their minds weren’t on worldly troubles or the small stressors in their life. They didn’t worry about what they were going to do the rest of the day. Nor were they concerned about their finances or their health.

At that moment in time, nothing else mattered except that cross and the one upon it.

When’s the last time you searched for a cross? I’ve found it while driving down the road. It’s there on a building, a mailbox, or another vehicle. It’s woven into the equipment on a playground and in the lines of a parking lot. At the supermarket, it’s on a shopping cart or on the floor of a long aisle.

It’s on billboards, telephone poles, and benches. I’m amazed to have found it in every room of my home. It’s everywhere I happen to be and I’m certain that if you stop reading and glance around, you’re bound to see it, too.

While this exercise was created to entertain my children, I found that it also served another purpose. It kept our thoughts on Christ. It’s difficult to get caught up in this world’s trivial matters when you’re constantly thinking of the one who died for you.

Don’t forget to look for the cross while you go about your busy day and don’t be surprised when and where you might find it. Keeping your mind on Jesus is easy when you’re always looking for the cross.

–Paula Harrington @ www.forthright.net