Tag Archive | David also asked God to give Solomon a perfect heart (1 Chr. 29:19)

“Create in me a pure heart . . .”

‘However, in his prayer David asked God to do something that He never does: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10).  “The prayer of the righteous has powerful results” (James 5:16), but prayer will never create a pure heart nor renew a right spirit in anybody. In God’s plan, it is up to each person whether or not he has a pure heart and a right spirit. A pure heart is “broken and contrite,” but God does not do the breaking nor does He bring contrition. Now, as in David’s time, it is up to each individual Christian, not to God, whether or not he loves all Christians “fervently with a pure heart” (1 Pet. 1:22). It is up to each Christian, not to God, if he thinks on things that “are pure” (Phil. 4:8). God “has no pleasure in burnt-offerings,” and the only sacrifices He will accept “are a broken spirit” and “a broken and contrite heart” Ps. 51:16, 17). But God has never broken a spirit or a heart.’

¾  Hugo McCord (from an article entitled Internet Pornography from Bibletom@aol.com)

Was David inspired of God? Did God work directly with King David and others?

·       Jesus testified that David indeed was inspired by God’s Holy Spirit when he wrote (Matt. 22:43-44).

·       God’s Holy Spirit was upon David from the day he was anointed king of Israel (1 Sam. 16:13)

·       David was the wisest man who had ever lived to that time (Psa. 119:97-100).

·       God’s hand was upon David to give him understanding (1 Chr. 28:19).

·       God gave a new heart and a new spirit to the ones he called back to Jerusalem (Eze. 36:24-27).

·       God gave one heart to fear him forever to the Israelites, whom he called back to Jerusalem (Jer. 32:37-40).

  • God gave a new spirit and one heart to the Israelites he brought back (Eze. 11:16-20).
  • God gave a heart to know him to the Israelites he sent to the Babylon captivity (Jer. 24:5-7).

·       Who would dare to question a man’s word whom God inspired? (John 10:35).

In the new testament God declares that He works in his children.

·       God worked in his children in New Testament times to do of his good pleasure (Phil. 2:13).

·       God began his work in his children and finished what he started (Phil. 1:6).

·       Though some would dare to deny that God put an earnest care into Titus’ heart for the Corinthians, what does God say (2 Cor. 8:16)?

·       Paul encouraged Timothy to trust in the Lord to give him the understanding he needed (2 Tim. 2:7).

·       He continues to give wisdom to those who ask for it, without doubting (James 1:5-8).

·       Paul knew that God granted strength to his children in their inner man (Eph. 3:14-16).

·       Should we consider that this may be a way God cleanses us (Heb. 12:5-10)?

Some feel compelled to argue about how God does these things in his children. We may argue, but that is superfluous.  The fact is that he does them no matter how. Who would dare contradict Him?

·       David also asked God to give Solomon a perfect heart (1 Chr. 29:19).

·       God gave Hezekiah’s people one heart to do the kings commandments (2 Chr. 30:10-12).

Men may argue about how God does these things, but that is superfluous.  He says he does these things and we should believe what he says. God may not create a new heart literally in the sense of removing his old physical heart and instilling a new one, but He creates a new spiritual heart in the sense of removing the impurities and forming purity and strength in it.

—Beth Johnson

MULIEBRAL STUDIES  http://pilgrimstranger.wordpress.com/
MULIEBRAL VIEWPOINT  http://pilgrimstranger39.wordpress.com/  or http://helpmeettohim.org
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