Tag Archive | Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is

BIBLICAL HOMES – “Lessons Learned”

There are many lessons learned in life, and we all learn them along our journey.  While researching other interests, I came across a story one was telling of lessons they learned in their lives, which had me thinking about lessons I have learned.  There are many, but for the time being this lesson will be focused on widows.

A major lesson I learned, no matter what is churning beneath my feet, or in my heart, to face the storm regardless of how menacing the storm may appear.  It was one of the hardest lessons for me to learn.  For some women, their lives are taken care of.  My life was not that way.  It was overwhelming and frightening to me.  Literally, all looked like a mountain to climb.  It seemed almost more than I could bear, and then one day after prayer, I took control, and weathered the storm, but I didn’t face the storm alone.  He went with me.  He didn’t remove the trials, but the trials strengthened me as I walked through them.

“The past is where you learned the lesson.  The future is where you apply the lesson.  Don’t give up in the middle.”       ~ Unknown

“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities;  but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.”
Hebrews 4:15

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;  and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”   Proverbs 3:5-6

I found obstacles aren’t nearly as big as we make them in our mind.  There is an old proverb which is used many times.  “Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.”  The statement was very true for me.  …and though it wasn’t easy, when I tackled things in increments, and not all at one time, it made life a bit easier.

Weekends were free, and devoted to rest or doing something I enjoyed, and worship on Lord’s day.  …and then on Monday faced the obstacles again, until all matters were attended, and though there are daily other business matters to attend.  They don’t frighten me as before, for I have learned to trust in Him, and face the day no matter what it may bring.  I don’t mean it to sound this easy, for at times it is not easy.  The point is, to pray, study and stay close to Him.  He will see you through all.

This is a very simple lesson, but a huge challenge.  All widows have varying degrees of situations in their own lives.  One size does not fit all, but prayerfully, what I went through/still going through, will be helpful and uplifting to you, and no matter what happens, God is with His faithful children.  Live close to Him.

“She hath done what she could . . . . ”    Mark 14:8

“Surrender to what is. 
Let go of what was.
Have faith in what will be.”         ~ Sonia Ricolo

Eileen Light