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When Jesus was on earth, He was like a shepherd to the disciples and His other followers. He took care of all their needs, spiritual and sometimes physical.

A shepherd takes really good care of his sheep. He leads them to safe places, but sometimes he has to go through dangerous places to get there. With patience and skill, a shepherd can get his sheep to safety. He makes sure they have plenty of food and water. At night, when they need rest, he finds the perfect place for them to sleep. He watches over them and protects them from harm.

Jesus knew the church would need someone to watch over them when he went back to heaven. God instructed Paul to appoint leaders over the church. We read about the first elders in Acts 14:23.

Paul called for the elders of the church from Ephesus while he was in Miletus. He told them that they had been made overseers in Acts 20:28-29. He said they were to shepherd the church because wolves would come in and cause trouble, even try to destroy the church.

Later, there began to be denominations. These were churches that didn’t believe what the apostles had taught, and they stared their own churches. One of these groups had elders, but they made one elder more important than the others. They called him the “bishop”. Over the years, this “bishop” became the authority over everyone in this church. This was not according to God’s pattern.

Paul gave Timothy and Titus the plan for church leaders. The qualifications for elders and deacons can be found in I Timothy 3 and Titus 1. When you read through these qualifications, you will notice something very interesting. These qualifications show that an elder or a deacon must be a man. A woman just does not fit the qualifications laid out in either of these texts. A woman cannot be the husband of one wife.

The church that Jesus built will have elders. They will be men that have been selected because they fit all the qualifications given in the Bible.

The church that Jesus built will have deacons. They will also be men that have been selected because they fit all the qualifications given in the Bible.

When we look at all the religious groups, we need to look carefully at their leadership. God needs to be the supreme focus of worship. The Bible needs to be only book to guide the church that Jesus built. Jesus Christ must be the focus of worship.

The church that Jesus built will pray to no man or woman but to God only through Jesus Christ.

The church that Jesus built should give as they have been prospered and be cheerful in their giving.

In the church that Jesus built, there should be a celebration of the Lord’s Supper every first day of the week by taking the bread and the fruit of the vine. This should not be reserved for special secular holidays or special events.

The church that Jesus built will have vocal music in the worship service. Instruments of music will not be allowed since God did not authorize them.

In the church that Jesus built, there will be no elevation of any man because he is a preacher. He should be called a minister, preacher, or an evangelist, and the preacher will be a man and not a woman.

The church that Jesus built will be governed by the Bible, being led by Godly men called elders and deacons. Elders and deacons will be men. The Bible does not authorize women to be elders, deacons, or preachers.

When you eliminate the groups that do not meet the criteria we have studied, you will find the true body of Christ. May God bless each of us as we strive to serve the only true and living God.

–Sandra Oliver