Tag Archive | how to be a good woman

His Mathetria

Growing up I was quite confused about what kind of a woman I was supposed to be. There seemed to be so many stereotypes in the world of different women – those who worked and were career focused, those who were stay-at-home moms, and those who magically seemed to do both. I too wanted to do it all, but I wanted to be happy doing it. However as I grew older I learned something more important. True happiness does not come from fulfilling a stereotype of what someone else thinks you should be. True joy comes from discovering the woman God intended you to be.

But what is it that God intended? When God created woman in all of her glory, what was the ideal He had envisioned? To answer that question we must delve into scripture and study the heroines that are recorded there. The Virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 is the epitome of biblical womanhood. The qualities listed there not only show a wife worthy of a king, but also the characteristics of a true follower of the King. Esther saved an entire nation from certain death with her courage and fear of the Lord. Ruth worked hard to provide for herself and her mother-in-law. Deborah led the Israelites into battle and into all wisdom. Mary was seen worthy enough to sit at the feet of the Son of God and listen. Priscilla swayed others into following Christ. They were all “mathetria” or women disciples. They took their God-given talents and used them for his glory and follow Him.

In order for us to follow God as true disciples, we must not follow the worldly stereotypes, whether that be a modern day feminist or a June Cleaver. Instead we should put all of our efforts, talents, and abilities into serving Him. God did not make all women to be contented housewives, but He did make some. God did not make all women to be successful doctors, lawyers, or businesswomen, but He did make some. God did create all women to be disciples of him whether at home or in the work place.

Once we discard the  notions the world has to offer about who is a truly happy woman, then we can embrace the woman God intended us to be his mathetria. Before we become a wife, mother, or career woman, we are first called to serve the Lord. The Great Commission in Matthew 28:16 was given to all Christians, including women.

We must ask ourselves what kind of world would we have if women spent more time trying to be in the service of the Lord instead of fulfilling their own desires? What would our marriages be like if our first priority was to serve God through our union and not just a chance of being loved? What kind of mothers would we be if our first priority was to help our children find their abilities and talents and use them for the Lord and not just themselves? What kind of career women would we be if our jobs were Christ-focused and not just a means of making money or self-fulfillment? What kind of servant would I be if I did my job for myself and did not live for my master? We do have the ability to change the world – one woman at a time.

Christa Bryant