Tag Archive | how to be happy

Submit to God

I was talking to a group of friends recently about certain verses that have helped us during particular times of our lives. It’s hard to narrow the entire Bible down to one or two encouraging verses, but the ones that seem to pop into my mind more than others are found in James 4.

Too often, I repeat those familiar words:

“Submit to God. Resist the devil. Draw near to God and He will draw near to me” (James 4:7).

Why after all these years do I need to continually remind myself to draw near to the Creator of my soul? If I’m going to be honest with you, then this is where I would admit to being a bit stubborn.

My first instinct isn’t to give God control of my situations. I’m more likely to try to work them out on my own first. Can you relate?

Life is difficult, and it’s not meant to be lived alone. As children of the Heavenly Father, we need him to survive and thrive. Life can often be like quicksand.

Frustrations, doubt, schedules, bad attitudes, and every other kind of fear are weighing us down, but Jesus is standing nearby quietly whispering, “Take my hand and you’ll be ok.”

However, sometimes, we’re quick to reply, “I’ve got this. I can work it out on my own.” And there he stands; waiting for us to realize that we don’t and we can’t.

As we try to wrap our minds around our struggles, Jesus offers to take them off our hands. Even when we take his hand and firmly grasp to the only hope we have, he doesn’t always pull us out of that quicksand.

Sometimes he just holds us tightly assuring us that we will not be overtaken.

Life can hurt. Take that nail scarred hand and find the peace and comfort that is so readily available. Hear the one who quieted the storm say, “I won’t let you fall” and believe him.

Find happiness in the certainty that you are not alone regardless of what you face. And remember, joy begins where fear ends.

by Paula Harrington @ www.forthright.net

God wants me to be happy

What God Wants by Paula Harrington

Have you ever heard someone justify their sin by saying, “God wants me to be happy”? Does God want our happiness in spite of his will for our lives? Sometimes what we think we want and what God wants are extremely different.

What Moses Wanted

Moses would’ve been very happy to stay in his comfort zone. God came to him in the desert (Exodus 3), on the mountain of Horeb. However, Moses offered excuses. He didn’t think he was the right person for the job. There had to be a better speaker or a more qualified person to lead God’s people.

What David Wanted

The king would’ve been delighted to see his plans put into action. David wanted to build the temple for the Most High God (2 Samuel 7). It concerned him that the ark of God remained in a tent, yet his seemingly excellent idea wasn’t approved by God.

What Elijah Wanted

Elijah would’ve been content to call it quits. The prophet was so distraught that he prayed for God to end his life (I Kings 19). Instead, God offered encouragement by showing his mightiness and informing him of the 7,000 others who had not bowed their knee to Baal.

What God Wants

Does God want our happiness? Absolutely, as long as our desires line up with his will but more than our happiness, God wants our broken hearts and messed-up lives. He wants our love (Matthew 22:37). He wants us to give ourselves to him as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1).

He wants us to love one another (John 15:12, I John 4). He wants us to seek each other’s interests above our own (Philippians 2). He wants us to search the Scriptures (I Timothy 3:16, 17). He wants us to endure (Revelation 2:10).

There may be times when we’re not sure what we want but our God never has that problem. He knows exactly what he wants. He wants us to come home.

Be ready.