Tag Archive | how to know if god says no to my prayer


Recently while teaching a 1st and 2nd grade Bible class we were discussing a parable dealing with prayer.  To help the children understand the different ways God might answer our requests, we discussed how parents respond when the children would ask them for something they wanted.  Not surprising the children answered that their parents would say;  “ yes, maybe, or I’ll think about it.”  One young girl spoke up and said;  “She usually (meaning mom) says NO!”  At this point she began a very dramatic description of exactly how she felt upon receiving a no answer.  She said; “Well when mom says no, you just have to deal with it!”  She then placed her hand over her heart and with great flare explained;  “and then you have to feeeel the pain!!”  The desire to burst into gales of laughter was very present yet, this little girl without realizing it had come to some understanding that will serve her well as she learns to possess self-control in her life.

Upon further research the children gave me three reasons why they felt their parents sometimes said no to their requests.  First, there was the recognition that their parents were “the boss” of the family. Dad or Mom had the final say in all matters at home.  Second, one child was told that they “didn’t need” what they were asking for.  The third reason was that the parents felt it wouldn’t be good for them.  Wow, in this little group of 8 year olds there was a lot of very useful wisdom for us to reflect upon as adults.  Let’s think about these answers in light of God’s word.


In Jeremiah 55:8 the Scripture reveals to us that we have a heavenly Father whose knowledge and ways are far beyond anything we can ever attain.  Because of His infinite wisdom and power He clearly must be recognized as  “The Boss” of our lives.  Earthly parents have lived many more years and have an understanding of life that is far beyond the young mind of their children.  God wants earthly children to obey their parents and respect their authority over decisions (Colossians 3:20).  Likewise, as adult children of God there will be times when God says NO to something we really believe will be good for our lives.  When we are tempted to go against His will and reject His answer because it brings some degree of suffering into our lives,  remember these words from Jeremiah:  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.  “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways. And My thoughts than your thoughts.” Just as we desire children to trust and obey their parents, so also our God expects the same respect and obedience from us. The Creator is without question superior in every way to that which is created!


Materialism is a huge problem in our country.  I was taught a principle concerning stewardship of money early in my life.  “Never buy what you don’t need simply because it’s cheap!”  (Thomas Jefferson).  As we go shopping many of us have a pre-written list but do we stick to it?  Do we find ourselves being lured like sheep to something “cute” or “on sale”?  Why not pray before making an unnecessary purchase.  Ask the Lord to give you the will power to resist the temptation to buy things you really don’t need simply because you can.  This is especially important if you are tempted to over use credit cards.  Instead, ask God first.  Remember our heavenly Father has promised to supply all we need in this life both physically and spiritually if we seek Him first and use the resources He has given us in a wise way.   Let’s not act like children who stomp and fuss when they don’t get what they want.   Jesus stated in Matthew 6:32-33: “…for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things (necessities).  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”


Have you ever wondered why the Lord did not grant Paul’s request to remove the thorn in his flesh?  Certainly he was a man worthy of receiving great blessings from God. Our heavenly Father blessed Him beyond measure but said NO to this heartfelt request.    Why?  Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 12:7 saying: “And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure.”    Paul recognized that God was working in him the type of character that would withstand the challenges of his ministry and allow him to finish his race strong in the power of the Lord.  This was an assurance for Paul that not only was God with him, but that God was answering his prayer in a way that would best benefit his spiritual need.  Success in life and the blessings that come with wealth and fame are difficult to manage and often lead to a path of destruction for a Christian.  Only our heavenly Father knows for what we can handle.  His desire for us is growth in faith so we can prevent stumbling into sinful behavior.  There are things in this life that although not wrong or harmful for others, may not be good for us.  It is a wise child of God who can accept a NO when God has deemed it ultimately unprofitable.


In the oft quoted “Lord’s Prayer” in Matthew 6:9-13 our Lord makes a remarkable statement.  “…Your kingdom come.  Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven…” (vs. 10).  In reading this verse I am struck with the example of Jesus who prayed to God that His will be done above all else.  Have you ever thought what heaven must be like?  Well it is a place where God’s will is done always!  If this is the place we dream of, the place we are seeking to be for an eternity, then we must admit that doing God’s will must be a pretty awesome thing as heaven is perfect in every way.
Hopefully my little Bible class students will have parents who make good decisions concerning their requests but as humans this sometimes doesn’t happen.  Our heavenly Father however, is able to do “…exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”   Regardless of whether God says yes, no, or wait.  Let’s trust in His perfect understanding of us and the belief that He wants the ultimate best for us always!

–Laura Dayton