Tag Archive | how to walk with the lord

Lay aside the weight of worry

It’s the heat of the day, a scorching day. I’m driving through our community. Around every corner and seemingly on every street are people jogging. I spot a woman running. She’s beginning to show signs of fatigue, hands and arms drooping. She’s dripping with sweat…excuse me, perspiration. Despite the weariness, she leans forward, pressing her body to give more, to go farther. Is she preparing for a marathon or some kind of race? Her eyes have a determined look, as if she’s focused on some distant point. What does she see?

Watching the woman run reminds me that I’m running, too. So are you. There are days when the race is difficult. The heat and pressure of daily life takes its toll. The worries and pace of the rat race makes us weary. Sin becomes a heavy weight. Our arms are drooping and our knees are weak (Hebrews 12:12). But when we lay aside the weight of worry, allowing God to be in control, and lay aside sin, which has entangled our feet, we again find the run very fulfilling (12:2). The race is on. Our souls are enlivened with the study of God’s word, we’re energized by the Lord’s work, and we enjoy the race. We are refreshed, energy filled, and savoring every minute of this Christian life.

Do we still face hills and valleys? Oh, yes. What motivates us to continue? If we listen intently, we hear a stadium full of saints shouting, “You can do it! You’re going to finish. The crown will be yours!” So, we run with endurance the race before us. This spiritual run is the most important race of our lives because eternity hinges on its outcome. Our eyes are set on heaven. Our aim is the finish line. What gives us determination and confidence? Our running partner is the best. He has already run the course. He is the originator and finisher of our faith. We’re running with the Lord!

Today’s Verse: ““Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” Hebrews 12:1-2

–Teresa Hampton