Tag Archive | I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake

Global Ice Warming Age

As if we don’t have enough things in this world to worry about, people are telling me we also have to worry about global warming. This is not out of any real concern about the environment and our stewardship of it, but because if the ice caps melt, all those animals will DIE. Humanity will end up DYING out. We can’t survive if global warming continues. Although, if you aren’t convinced, there are contradictory theories out there saying that we need to worry about when the sun blows up in five billion years because if, by some miracle we aren’t consumed by the explosion, we will be thrown into a never ending Antarctica, and we’ll freeze TO DEATH.

These are the thoughts that came to my mind when I found myself reading Genesis 8:22. “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”

When we study the covenant God makes with Noah, we often focus on the rainbow’s representing the promise He made to not destroy the earth again by flood; but, I feel it’s important to re-emphasize the entirety of God’s covenant in light of these contemporary fears. Genesis 8:21b gives the Lord’s thoughts, “I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done.”

While I think it is important to care for the world over which God gave us dominion and stewardship, I also believe in the promise of God. God promised that, as long as the earth remains, He will maintain its natural cycles. Food will grow. There will be livable temperatures, seasons, dark and light. Humanity will continue. That is why I am not worried about global warming, ice ages, or the sun exploding. The world will continue until God determines it is time for Christ to come again. That is what He has promised. Do you believe Him?

-Tricia Reno