Tag Archive | If the Lord is with us

In God we trust

After spending too much time at a popular news website recently, I reminded myself, once again, that I needed to stop reading the news. Pain and suffering is rampant in this world.

Countless stories of good people going through tragedy and despair were enough to turn my stomach and bring tears to my eyes. Wars, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, murders, and schemes of men litter our headlines every day.

While I was reading one disturbing article, a comment was made regarding how surprised a person was that something unbelievably horrific had happened to such good people.

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Gideon wondered that himself in Judges 6:13 when God’s people were being terrorized by the Midianites.

“If the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?” (NIV)

Too many times, we as Christians feel a sense of entitlement. As people who strive to do what’s right, we sometimes fall under the impression that we should be exempt from the mayhem and madness of this world.

The truth is, evil does come to the just and good people do suffer (Matthew 5:45). Sometimes, the only thing we can do is pray and trust that God will see us through.

So, we will trust him:

* when we’re unsure of our next move (Proverbs 4:5-6).

* when our heart are captured by fear and grief (Job 13:15, Psalm 56:3, Isaiah 12:2).

* when we don’t understand our predicament (Proverbs 9:10).

* when our thoughts are scattered and painful (John 14:1).

God’s comfort, peace, and strength might not change our circumstances but they most certainly can change our lives. Lord, remind us to trust you when we’re faced with the trials of this life.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

— by Paula Harrington @ www.forthright.net