Tag Archive | It matters what we believe

Egg whites flying everywhere

It Matters What You Think!

Once when I was talking with a young college girl, she was describing her first attempt at making a lemon meringue pie. Not being to skilled in cooking, this attempt to make a pie was something of a challenge to the young culinary “wannna be”. She told the story this way. I made the crust first, which was the part that I really did not feel confident in doing. The crust was an unexpected success and so she went to the next step of making the lemon filling for the pie. Finally, she came to the final crowning event, the meringue. She knew that it took four egg whites so she gathered up four eggs. The instructions said to separate the whites from the yolks. This was good and wise information. She gathered the eggs from the refrigerator and placed them into a pan of water and placed them on the stove to boil. When the eggs were boiled, she removed the eggs and pealed them and separated the whites from the yolks. Then she took the whites and placed them in a blender. Pretty soon she had egg whites flying everywhere! Clearly although she had thought that this was the right way to make meringue, she was obviously wrong. It matters what you think. In desperation she picked up the phone and called her mom for help to renew her mind and to find out the correct way to make meringue.

Today, we can have a plan to live the Christian life and some of the right information as to how to do what God wants us to do. But sometimes we are like the young girl in our story, we need to have our minds renewed and we need correct information.

Romans 12:2 says” And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

II Timothy 2:15 says “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.“

It matters what we believe and what we do and it is up to us to study God’s word to get the direction from the proper authority or we will be like the inexperienced girl trying to make her lemon meringue pie. Only after she consulted with a higher authority, her mom, did she have the right information as to how to make her pie correctly. We too must consult a higher authority as we plan to live the Christian life. What often keeps people from looking to God’s word for correction and instruction? That is right, it is pride. All to often we think we know what is right and we think we have the answers. It requires humility to turn to a higher authority. We must submit our self to God and surrender our thinking to His thinking.

As Isaiah 55:9 says “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Truly as we strive to follow God it matters what you think.

–By June Smith