Tag Archive | knowing God

Preparing One’s Heart to Seek God

  1. The determination to seek God must come first (Ps 14:1-3). This can’t be a half-hearted determination or it will fail.
  2. The determination to seek God must have a solid foundation. A solid foundation is included in an essential reason to seek God.
  3. The essential reason all men should seek God is because he is the Creator and thus Owner. Owners make the rules for what they own. Anyone using the owner’s possessions who does not follow the owner’s rules is totally wrong.
  4. God claims all souls (Ezekiel 18:4). God claims the world and everything in it (Psalm 24:1).
  5. God made a marvelous world and must have a marvelous purpose for that world.
  6. God claims He works all things together for His (one) purpose (Romans 8:29).
  7. Seeking God must include seeking the purpose for God’s making this world.
  8. God’s purpose must be eternal.
  9. Man’s purposes can only be for a few years but God’s purpose must be eternal.
  10. This world will burn up so God’s purpose cannot be in material things.
  11. God has created man in his own image with an eternal mind, heart and soul (Matthew 22:37; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18).
  12. Preparing one’s heart to seek the Lord thus depends on seeking to fulfill God’s purpose for creating the world and man.
  13. Preparing one’s heart includes determining where to seek.
  14. Determining where to seek includes discerning between the Old and New Testaments.
  15. Determining where to seek requires a source that will supply all one needs to prepare ones’ heart to seek the Lord.
  16. Preparing one’s heart requires a determination to fulfill God’s purpose.
  17. God’s purpose is plainly stated in Romans 8:28-29.
  18. God’s purpose is plainly stated in Matthew 28:18 (make disciples) and Luke 6:40.
  19. God’s purpose is again seen in Matthew 10:24-25.
  20. God’s purpose is seen again in Ephesians 4:11-13.
  21. God’s purpose is again seen in Ephesians 3:16-19.
  22. God’s purpose is again seen in 2 Peter 1:3-4.
  23. To prepare one’s heart to seek the Lord one must be prepared to lose one’s life for that one purpose (Mark 8:35, Luke 9:23-25).
  24. Christ was fully set to do only his Father’s work.
  25. To be like Christ is to prepare one’s heart to follow in the Master’s steps (1 Peter 2:21).

—Beth Johnson, Bible Studies for Women: Muliebral StudiesMuliebral ViewpointArticles and Books by Beth Johnson