Tag Archive | mothers and daughters in the Bible

It’s a mom thing…

28,470. That sounds like a fairly large number.  I recently sat down and tried to decipher how many diapers I had changed over the years while raising our children. 28,470 is the number I came up with as being a close estimate. I will grant you, however, that my husband changed at least four or five of those 28,470!  I’m not complaining, and my husband certainly changed more than four or five diapers, but I can’t say that changing cloth diapers, soaking them and taking them to a laundromat is something I miss.

After being blessed with three amazing sons, we were blessed with an amazing daughter.  Each of my children is my favorite child and each for a different reason. In the case of my daughter, there is nothing quite like having a daughter, unless it’s being a daughter.  After she was born, a wise, older Christian mother advised me that I should “enjoy every minute of having a little girl, but never abuse the privilege of having a daughter.” What in the world was she talking about? It took me several years to comprehend what she meant, but I think I am finally getting closer to a fuller understanding.

Consider Jezebel and Athaliah. Surely Jezebel is a prime example of abusing the privilege of having a daughter.  Jezebel raised Athaliah to follow in her footsteps and she trained her to be corrupt.  Athaliah grew up surrounded by false prophets, prophets of Baal and prophets of Ashera.  Athaliah was indoctrinated by the evil her mother followed.  One evil generation followed another by example and training.

Consider Herodias and Salome. Much like Jezebel, Herodias played dirty and trained wickedly.  Her own conscience must have told her that John the Baptist’s preaching was getting through to her husband. She knew being married to her uncle was illegal.  She had to make plans in case Herod repented. In her thinking, what better way to silence John the Baptist than by using her very own flesh and blood, her daughter, to carry out her sinful scheme? Whether by example or permission, today there are too many mothers who are training their own daughters in this same manner. They abuse the privilege of having daughters.

In sharp contrast to the women mentioned, consider the good example set for Lois by Eunice and the good example set for Naomi by her beloved daughter-in-law, Ruth.  Godly women who were looking out for their daughters and granddaughters.  In the case of Ruth, she was more of a daughter than a daughter-in-law to Naomi. It’s great that our daughter-in-laws can be our daughters, too. Another privilege that should not be abused. Not only am I blessed with a beautiful, Godly daughter, but I am also blessed to have three Godly daughter-in-laws who love my sons and who help them raise my grandbabies to know God and belong to Him fully. What a privilege and how marvelous that God used these women of old to give us such good examples for the present.

The ever broadening grandmother-mother-daughter cycle keeps revolving. As long as we keep God in the center of that cycle, a healthy circle continues to reach farther. I have a very fond but bittersweet memory of my mother in a nursing home which was to become her final earthly dwelling. After visiting with her one evening while she ate with the other residents, I felt torn when it was time to leave.  Something told me this was going to be “one of those occasions” that you never forget.  It is a permanently etched image in my mind to this day. When I got to the parking lot, even though I “knew” she couldn’t see me from where she was sitting, I turned to take a last glimpse of where she was and when I did, I saw a frail, wrinkled, aged hand go up and gently wave.  She was trying to watch after me. It was a “mom thing.” During her last moments, I told my mother it was okay to go home; it was okay to leave this earth.  She asked a poignant question: “But who will take care of you?”  That’s when the circle continued and my precious daughter said, “I will, Grannie, I will take care of Mom for you.”  The cycle was revolving, the circle was still growing, and so it continues.

It’s an awesome opportunity to raise a child; wisdom comes from learning how to not abuse the privilege and enjoy each moment.  Mothers,  Daughters,  God-given blessings from heaven above.  All of it is a mom thing…

–Delores Nelson