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Diamonds in the Rough

When you find a diamond in the field
It is not so different from other rocks
In the craftsman hand what will it yield?
A gem with great beauty and appeal.

First you wash clean the stone,
Then angles that you carefully hone.
Cut gently with all your might
To catch and reflect the light.

Buff, shine and polish till bright,
Until a gem sparkles and pleases sight
Mount in settings of silver or gold
Revealing beauty and wealth untold.

Humans are not different you see,
Clean them up,  what will they be?
A Reflection of  goodness is each man,
When  fashioned by the Craftsman’s hand.
Let them shine and reflect the light
Of the precious Son so bright.
The Craftsman stamps his mark
The world knows they have left the dark.

Their glory is not made from self
Their life is given up and left.
It is not about “self” they sing,
But about honor to their king.

Sparkling brightly for the Lord.
Standing for right in a sinful world.
They are children oh so spiritually tough,
But once they were diamonds in the rough.

–By June Smith