Tag Archive | prayer secrets

Just pray

I was discussing a dilemma with a friend recently and as we were trying to come up with several solutions, a cute second grader wandered up and stood beside us. She listened intently as we tried to sort out matters, each time coming to another dead end. Finally, she spoke up, “Why don’t you just pray about it?”

Well, why don’t we? What a straightforward approach to life and one we proclaim yet don’t always follow. Sometimes it takes a child to remind us of how simple things could be if only we would stop worrying and start praying.

Why don’t we just pray? Is it because our fleshly nature likes to jump to the conclusion that God can’t handle our problems? Why can’t our first instinct be to pray before we panic?

When in doubt, pray.

When afraid, pray.

When faced with grief, pray.

When life doesn’t make sense, pray.

When temptations threaten, pray.

Your father is waiting. Just pray.

by Paula Harrington @ www.forthright.net