Tag Archive | Psalm 8:5

Crowned with Glory and Honor

“For thou hast made him but little lower than God” (Psalm 8:5, ASV).

Watching our grandchildren grow has given us great pleasure. It astounds us that the youngest, soon to be six months old, has learned so many things in such a short time. His sister is two and a half and speaks two languages. Their brother, who will be six years old this month, is in first grade. His vocabulary bowls me over. Our two older granddaughters, still in high school, will soon be independent.

No, our grandchildren are not super geniuses. Like all children, they can get out of line, but for the most part, they are sweet. Like everyone else on this earth, they are made in God’s image. Father God has given them the ability to learn, to reason, and to have special talents that others their age may not possess, for God has made each of us unique.

David considered the heavens, the moon and the stars, and everything that God had created, and he exclaimed, “What is man, that you art mindful of him? For thou hast made him but little lower than God” (Psalm 8:4b, 5). David added, as if he needed to explain why man was so special, “Thou makest him to have dominion over the works of the hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet.”

“All things.” Those are powerful words. God has given us the intelligence and skills to use what He has given us to help us. Those gifts include the things on our world and the abilities God has blessed us with.

We need to teach our precious children and grandchildren what a wonderful and awesome responsibility they have. It is up to us and to them to help others and teach them what is right.

Hymn: “A Beautiful Life”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we strive to teach our children and grandchildren about You. May we help them see their responsibilities to You and their fellow man as they grow. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Donna Wittlif, Denver, Colorado