Tag Archive | Psalms 33:12

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord

I love fall with all of the brilliant crimson, gold, red and orange leaves that flutter to the ground…and at times when the wind is gentle it plays among the leaves, swirling, whirling ever so softly as if playing among themselves. It is a time of peaceful reflection, a slower pace….and when I look at the old barns that stand stately against a backdrop of persimmon, sweet gum, black walnut, pin oak and pecan trees, I am reminded of what this great nation of ours was founded upon.

A nation of God-fearing hard working families forged this nation and whose principles were founded upon the firm foundation of God’s Word.

I am privileged to watch the sun rise every morning as I go about my duties. This morning I watched a golden, orange, azure blue sky with wisps of clouds against that magnificent canvas and the glorious sun peeking just over the horizon. Along the tree line and perched high in the trees two eagles and several hawks keeping watch . Geese flying in a perfect “V” shape formation settling gracefully upon the water for rest in their long journey south for the winter. Many deer grazing in the pasture learning of my presence run gracefully and jump the fences, headed for cover.

It is during those times that my heart sends up a prayer of thanksgiving to our Father in heaven for such beauty for my eyes to behold and for His giving so graciously and bountifully a nation in which I am blessed to live.

I believe our nation longs for, aches for those Biblical values upon which a life should be built. A nation founded upon the bedrock pillar of Truth found only in His Word. Let us humbly and gratefully return to his Way, His Truth, His Word and teach again our families to love, honor and respect Him and forsake not that timeless Word.

Truly, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance.” Psalms 33:12

Eileen Light