Tag Archive | Some Christians hide their Christianity for different reasons but it is time to let our lights shine!

Coming Out of the Closet

Coming out of the closet is a figure of speech for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people’s disclosure of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Coming out of the closet is described and experienced as a psychological journey or process. It is a decision and a risk to take. It is normally a mass or public event and shows gay pride instead of shame and social stigma. Christians should be coming out of the closet spiritually. Coming out of the Christianity closet can be a figure of speech for saints, believers, and disciples/people of God’s disclosure of their religious orientation or spiritual identity. Coming out of the closet spiritually can be described and experienced as a psychological process…it’s called the renewing of the mind. (Romans 12:2) Coming out of the closet spiritually should result in GOD pride instead of shame and social stigma.

Many Christians today hide who they are in Christ. Many Christians act differently at work, home, worship service, social events, etc. Sadly, some Christians are even ashamed of Christ and afraid of being seen as a “Jesus freak” or “holy roller”. However, there are those in our society living in sin and proudly doing so. Christians must step up and be proud of Christ, stand for truth, and show our Christianity. We should not stay in the closet about our Christianity. It’s time to come out of the Christian closet! Who should come out of the Christian closet? Those who have been baptized for the remission of their sins (Acts 2:38) should boldly share their Christianity and teach the gospel to everyone. (Mark 16:15-16) What does it mean to come out of the closet? It means to have pride in Christ, to proclaim Christ, and to not be ashamed of him, but confess him publicly. (Matthew 10:32) When should you come out of the Christian closet? Always! Your Christianity should never be hidden, but you should always let your light shine. (Matthew 5:16). Where should you show your God pride? Everywhere! Don’t be like Peter and deny Christ. (Mark 14:66-72) Proclaim Christ everywhere you go, even if others don’t like it; even if it’s not “legal”. Don’t be ashamed of your Christianity. Why should you come out of the Christian Closet? The morality of society is rapidly declining; people are turning the truth of God into a lie. (Romans 1:25) People are passing laws that are not expedient. The devil is busy. (1st Peter 5:8) Christians need to show up and be heard so that the blood of the lost will not be on our hands. It is the Christian’s job to love, teach, and guide the lost. How do you come out of the Christian closet? Write letters to government officials concerning the sinful laws they are passing, listen to Christian music at work, pray in public, wear shirts with scriptures, etc. There are many ways to show pride for God.

Some Christians hide their Christianity for different reasons but it is time to let our lights shine! (Matthew 5:14-16) Do not be afraid! (2nd Timothy 1:7) Though the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, there are more and more people “coming out of the closet”. Many of these people do not know the scriptures and the others do not value the scriptures. If we hide our Christianity how can we teach others? If we pretend that we’re not Christians or do not act as Christians, why should anyone value Christianity? Do we show “God pride” that make people respect Jesus or do we shamefully proclaim him only on Sundays? It’s time to come out of the closet (spiritually)! These perilous times demand it. Our Lord Jesus commands it, and lost souls need it!

–By Britney Dent