Tag Archive | someone else will

It started with social drinking

Anyone could tell this story, it just happens to be mine, and the suffering we cause others when our lives careen out of control, and the lives it touches that last for a life time. This story is a warning, an admonition against social drinking and the road that takes every loved one on a ride they never wanted. Taking loved ones into dark rooms they never wanted to see.

On and unbelievably blue, clear sky afternoon I along with three brothers were removed from my home. In the scene that day, which is forever branded in my mind, is a passed out father, a Highway patrolman, welfare agent and many police surrounding the house. That is the last memory I have of my father. My mother in the next room on drugs and alcohol looked surprised. That is the last memory I have of her.

Back track to Dallas where it all began. Social drinking at a Christmas party and continued to worsen as time passed….and then…it was a lack of food, clothing, abuse, lack of love, care and guidance denied children.

“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” Proverbs 20:1

Scripture warns about drinking and Satan entices with wrong companions and as the old proverb says. “A man takes a drink, and the drink takes the man.” …..and that’s what sin does. It promises a dream, but delivers a nightmare and the consequences last a life time for those left in its wake.

In the end Satan promised fun at a party but he, the “father of lies” delivered a lifetime nightmare. A house was lost, their souls were lost and children were lost. All for a drink…..a drink. The price of sin is far too high for a moment of pleasure.

I heard once that if you don’t take control of your life, someone else will. That is precisely what happened.

If they had only been wise. If only ……..

Eileen Light