Tag Archive | stories about hacking facebook accounts

My Facebook account was hacked


I logged onto Facebook mobile recently to check the news of the day when something caught my attention. One of the sweet ladies at my congregation had posted on several people’s wall and the subject line was filthy.

Topics and words that I wasn’t used to seeing on the Internet were there for all of her friend’s to see. I was shocked.

It never crossed my mind that this friend would use that kind of language or joke about this kind of subject matter. So without hesitation, I called her. Undoubtedly, her Facebook page had been hacked and she needed to change her password immediately.

Do you have friends like that? You know they aren’t perfect, but you also know that they don’t act or speak like the world. Being around them is like a breath of fresh air.

Christians are called to be different. The way we act, either online or in person, is the way we present Jesus to others. We can’t use certain words, visit particular sites, or behave in one manner and then claim Christ as our own in another. Christianity doesn’t work that way.

May we all conduct ourselves in a well pleasing manner (Philippians 2:7) and never forget that we are the only Bible some people may ever read.

by Paula Harrington @ www.forthright.net