Tag Archive | the glory of God

The word *awesome*

Have you noticed how frequently the word awesome is used in every day conversation? “This cheesecake is awesome,” or “We had an awesome vacation!” The word, however, has a deeper meaning. It means causing feelings of fear and wonder: causing feelings of awe. The one who is perfectly suited to that adjective is God. He and his works are truly awesome!

During creation, God laid the foundations of the earth. The waters stood above the mountains and at his rebuke they went down. He commanded the morning and caused the dawn to know its place. He fixed limits for seas and oceans, commanding them, ‘This far you may come, but no farther.” He divided a channel for the great water, and a path for the thunderbolt. He knows the way to the dwelling of light and darkness (Job 38).

God says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth’ and likewise to the gentle and heavy rain. With moisture he saturates the thick clouds and they do whatever he commands them (Job 37).

God spread out the skies like a curtain. He opens his hand to all creatures, giving them food in due season (Psalm 104). By His wisdom the hawk spreads its wings and the eagle makes its nest on high. He gave the horse its strength and clothed its neck with thunder. He numbered the months that animals fulfill before they give birth (Job 39). He made the behemoth, whose tail moves like a cedar, and has ribs like bars of iron (Job 40). He made Leviathan with his terrible teeth, smoke that goes out of his nostrils, breath that kindles coals, and undersides like sharp potsherds (Job 41).

God knows our thoughts and every word on our tongues. From the time we started growing in the womb to this present moment, he knows us. Wherever we are, whether in the heavens above or in the depths of the sea, he sees us (Psalm 139).

David said, Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! Sing out the honor of His name. Make His praise glorious. Say to God,“How awesome are Your works! (Psalm 66:1-3a). When we think of God—his unequaled power, perfect knowledge, and incomparable presence—it should create in us feelings of fear and wonder. How awesome is our God!

Today’s Verses: He has sent redemption to His people; He has commanded His covenant forever: Holy and awesome is His name (Psalm 111:9). How awesome is our God! (Psalm 47:2). For the Lord Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth (Psalm 99:3).

— By Teresa Hampton