Sally sat patiently while Heather explained how sorry she was for the ungodly things she said and did. She asked Sally to forgive her, even though she knew she didn’t deserve it. After a brief silence Sally said, “I forgive you.” Heather fell on her shoulder with great sobs. An immense flood of relief and peace poured into her soul. Sally assured her that all was forgiven and would never be brought up again. When someone asks for forgiveness, there is power to free that soul of the guilt and shame of sin. Sally knew that forgiving Heather would save her soul, too.
No one left a greater example of forgiving others than our Lord. As he hung on the cross, he prayed for the ones who were killing Him, Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do (Luke 23:34). The soldiers ridiculed and blasphemed Him. The two thieves who were crucified with him, reviled Him (23:39-43). At some point, however, one of the thieves asked Jesus to remember him when He came into His kingdom. The Lord assured him, This day you will be with Me in paradise. Incomparable compassion and mercy. Amazing grace!
As children of God, we are called to be like our Savior. Are we supposed to forgive when someone asks for forgiveness, but for years has tried to derail us, said cruel things about us, and did evil against us? Yes. If we want the Father to forgive our sins, we must forgive those who sin against us (Matt. 6:14-15). Otherwise, He will not forgive our sins.
In Psalm fifty one, David used very descriptive words pleading for forgiveness. Have mercy…blot out…wash me…cleanse me from my sin…purge me…wash me and I shall be whiter than snow…create in me a clean heart…renew a steadfast spirit within me…restore to me the joy of your salvation…uphold me by Your generous Spirit…deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed.
The three most powerful words in any language are, “I forgive you.” When spoken from a sincere heart followed with forgiving actions, they have the ability to transform two lives. When spoken to God from a broken and contrite heart, He is merciful to save!
Today’s Verse: Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).
By Teresa Hampton
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