The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching the evil and the good

It is nearly the end of what I call “The Dance of the Daylilies.” These flowers keep astounding me as each new variety opens.

There are so many different types of daylilies – literally thousands!

Some of the characteristics that are thought to be desirable in hemerocallis are ruffled edges or even toothed edges, long petals (as in spider types), and thicker petals for better substance. Larger size and unusual color patterns are sought after by daylily hybridizers.

Among the multiple colored daylilies, there are some with a different color “throat,” or the part deepest in the center. Some daylily varieties sport an “eye zone,” or the part directly above the throat, where a secondary color shows up in a distinct ring resembling an eye. The edges of the petals are sometimes a contrasting color.

In my garden, I have given places of honor to the daylilies with brightly colored “eye zones.” Speaking of eyes, these types do seem more eye-catching than others. The “eye” seems to set off each individual bloom, instead of the clump appearing as a mass of one color.

You might say that my garden has eyes in almost every place. You know the old saying about paintings such as “the Mona Lisa,” how the eyes seem to follow you? From the sweet, vanilla-colored “Panda Bear” with the  maroon eye, to the dark and foreboding “Spacecoast Devil’s Eye,” there are daylilies everywhere that seem to be following me! “Eye to Eye,” “Janice Brown,” “Moonlight Masquerade,” and “Wineberry Candy” are just a few.

It’s a reminder to me that there really is someone watching at all times.

“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3).

This verse is so often used as a warning only, but in fact it is a comfort to those who may think nobody cares for them, or sees what happens in their lives.

The eyes of our Father observe not only “the evil and the good,” but every aspect of our lives as he waits for us to talk to him.

“The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry“ (Psalm 34:15).

This passage is repeated in 1 Peter 3:12;

“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their prayers;
But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

Whether or not we are aware of God’s presence, he is certainly aware of ours. His eyes are not only watching us, they are also watching out for us!

“For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His” (2 Chronicles 16:9a).

The omniscience of God is used for our good! He supports us in our efforts to live righteous lives. What a welcome promise to us as we continue our struggle against the devil and his treachery!

The “Devil’s Eye” is not just the name of a daylily, but is a real problem for us as he uses us as targets for his arrows.

We are incredibly blessed to have all-seeing eyes watch over us for good! These are eyes which look upon us with love and with care, with an eye to supporting and protecting us. God is not watching us to see if we will trip up; he is watching us as a loving Father.

These are the eyes that I want to feel are “following me around.”

Christine (Tina) Berglund


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