Genesis 22:8 “And Abraham said, ‘My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.’ So the two of them went together.”
Genesis 22 records one of the most difficult scenarios found in scripture. I suggest you take a deep cleansing breath before reading of the unfathomable task God placed before Abraham: “Take now your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love and offer him there as a burnt offering.”
Let’s break this down into simple steps. Abraham was told to tie up his son and place him on an altar, hold him down while he killed him with his knife, and set his body afire. I attempt to rationalize this terror in my mind and make peace with it in my momma-heart, but I simply cannot. However, can we just take a moment to marvel at Abraham’s obedience to Yahweh?
Had I been in Abraham’s place, my questions and tearful pleadings would have consumed the remainder of chapter 22 and added another entire chapter to the book of Genesis. Pretty sure I would have then pulled a “Jonah-move” and run the opposite direction. But Abraham offered no arguments, no excuses, nor did he procrastinate in hopes God would change His mind. Instead, scripture offers only six words to let us know how Abraham proceeded: “Abraham rose early in the morning.” That’s it. Amazingly, there is only one question posed in this entire story, and it does not come from Abraham. It stems from the curiosity of the young boy. “Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” asked Isaac.
Faithful Abraham’s response was simple: “God will provide.”
Friend, that ram-providing God is the same God still providing for you today. Have you ever felt God’s strength in the hard days when it seemed you would not survive to see sunset? Have you realized God’s spirit showing up through a friend or stranger who spoke truth and comfort into your crisis? Are you daily grateful to the Father for the breath in your lungs, the love of friends and family, the comfort of home, or the peace of precious sleep? Have you ever doubted God to show up, yet just like that ram, He gifted you with exactly what you needed at just the perfect time?
When your days are hard and life seems hopeless, turn to the ram-provider God. He still shows up for us today.
Father God, make us aware of the many ways you daily provide for us.
Rita Cochrane