The Quandary of the Quarantine

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God”

Right this minute, newscasters are struggling to determine which disaster-of-the-day deserves the most air-time. Segmenting between a deadly virus, the massive tornado destruction, the empty grocery-store shelves, the stock market woes, social distancing, and the ever-growing list of closures, morale is dwindling. Our isolation leaves us in quite the quandary as to what to do.

So, for all you Mommas who love your children more than life itself, but who are at this very moment searching Amazon for youth-sized strait jackets, may I offer a few suggestions?

* Begin each day with your loving Father. The reminder of His incredible love will open your hearts to an extra dose of love for your children, even in the most difficult circumstances.

* Make a daily schedule for school, fun, and chores. Write chores on index cards. Each child can hunt for the card in a game of hide-and-seek. (hide the card in the room in which the chore will be completed and let the child search for the card before completing their task.)  A choice of chores (what child doesn’t like choices?) can be offered by writing two chore options on each card. For example: “You may choose to vacuum or to dust the living room.” For even more variety, sometimes offer: “You may either read a book for 30 minutes or clean out the flower bed.”

* Look for ways to enjoy the great outdoors. Take selfies with God’s beauty. Share these pics with friends and family who can reciprocate. I would love to see those! Email them to me!

* With many worship services cancelled, expect some unexpected blessings as family worship brings you closer to each other and to the heart of Jesus. Involve your children in planning and leading devotionals with songs and even Bible story skits involving the entire family. Memorize scripture together.

* Excessive time spent with your children just might increase your appreciation for their teachers. Take time to send notes/cards to those who selflessly teach your children at school and church.

For ALL of us struggling to find our ministry in isolation:

* Think outside your social-distancing bubble to those in need of the “valuable” items in your garage, attic, and closets. Let the dreaded purge begin. Donate your “treasures” to those in need and enjoy your freedom from “stuff.”  It’s a Win-Win!

* Make phone calls to the elderly and those who live alone. Taking a few minutes to chat will brighten their day and yours as well. Again, a Win-Win!

* Resort to your childhood by playing a game of Ding-Dong-Ditch. Assemble a “Coronavirus Survival Kit” equipped with yummy store-bought treats, a fun game, some calming tea or candle, and if you are lucky, a coveted roll of toilet paper or paper towels. Place it on a young family’s porch, ring the doorbell and run! (I suggest providing your name somewhere on the gift for their peace of mind.)

* Start a fun project and post it on Facebook. Who knows, your project just might inspire others to start their own project.

* Quarantine days are perfect for discovering the blessings found in Psalm 46:10. Our struggle for joy in seclusion is real. But when we seek to “be still” and come to know our loving Father, we will not merely survive, we will thrive!

Father God, may we place our faith and hope in you, a God who allows us to grow through quiet and still moments.

Blessings for health and joy,

Rita Cochrane

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