The Very Same Dark

1 John 1:7 NKJV “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

Jesus was aware His time on earth had come to an end and His desire was to spend these final moments with His closest friends. As they all gathered around one last Passover table, Jesus dipped a cloth in the water bowl, knelt before them, and began to wash the filth from their feet. Making His rounds to each one, Jesus spoke of what lay ahead: He must depart, and they must continue the kingdom work. Without a doubt, their path would be troublesome.

Although the Savior was keen to every betrayal detail Judas already had planned, without hesitation Jesus knelt before Judas and gave him the exact same spa treatment as the rest. (Now here’s just a thought-bubble from my brain: I would have been oh, so tempted to skip over Judas’s nasty feet as he sat in my foot-washing line!)

As Judas witnessed this incredible display of love, did he feel any pre-regret over what he was about to do? If so, he quickly dismissed it because within the very same dark, yes that same night, Judas’s feet were cleaned by Jesus and his filthy heart betrayed the Savior. Yes, in the very same dark, Judas’ clean feet did his dirty deed.

As I consider this unthinkable deception, my thoughts turn closer to home. Although we too have been cleansed by Christ through His blood shed on the cross, do we sometimes follow Judas’ lead? In our cleanliness do we commit dirty deeds? Within the same dark, do we offer praises to the Father followed by gossip with the sisters? Within the same dark, do we worship God in the sanctuary then depart to serve Satan through our obsession over earthly wealth? In the same dark, do our lips speak both blessings and curses? Judas found his feet washed squeaky clean by Jesus, but his heart soiled by Satan. Friend beware the Judas-trap. May we live victoriously, being found spotless from the blood of Christ.

Father God, help us resist a heart that lives in betrayal to You.


Rita Cochrane

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