THE WORTHY WOMAN – Proverbs 31


  1. In search for the best, what does he ask? 31:10
  2. What is her value?
  3. How is the husband rewarded for his trust in her? 31:11
  4. Notice her faithful attitude toward him. 31:12



  1. What raw material did she seek; how did she work it? 31:13
  2. What did she do that was like the merchant’s ships? 31:14
  3. Making the most of her time, what does she ration out and assign? 31:15
  4. How does she richly provide for the growing wants of her family? 31:16
  5. How does she build up strength for every emergency? 31:17
  6. By honesty and deft hands, what does she recognize? 31:18 Her labor never stood still, but what about her burning lamp?
  7. How did she show skill in using the distaff and the spindle? 31:19
  8. How did she use her hands to supply the needy? 31:20
  9. What precautions did she take for the cold weather? 31:21
  10. With what did she cover her floors? 31:22
  11. Did she make fine clothing for herself? 31:22
  12. How does her influence put forward her husband? 31:23 Note: he was the “husband” of the worthy woman.
  13. What garments did she deliver to the merchants? 31:24
  14. Making her garments strong and beautiful, how does she face all? 31:25   “Strength” and “Dignity” seem to refer to traits of character.
  15. In the household affairs (counsel), how does she speak? 31:26
  16. What was the law of her tongue? 31:26
  17. As the moral manager, how did she guard her household? 31:27 How do you know that all her household disdained a certain kind of bread?
  18. Being well reared, to whom do the children ascribe the honor (credit)? 31:28
  19. What does her grateful husband do?
  20. How does the husband speak of his wife? 31:29



  1. In general, what may be said of her grace and beauty? 31:30 What about the woman whose grace is inward?
  2. What must be the ground of all praise? 31:31
  3. How is everyone known? Matt. 7:16
  4. Memorize Gal. 5:22, 23



  1. How will Solomon’s description of a worthy woman fit into every age?
  2. If you would add to it or take from it, what would it be?
  3. Who was the New Testament character who cared for the poor? Acts 9:36, 39
  4. What Old Testament character was both a seamstress and a cook? Gen. 27:11-16
  5. Who honored her husband, calling him “Lord?” I Pet. 3:6
  6. How would a worthy mother eliminate family trouble today?
  7. How will she assist her husband in business and religion?
  8. How will she contribute to industry?
  9. How will she rebuke idleness and laziness?
  10. How will her adornment crown her inward grace?
  11. How would her life condemn this “fast stepping and immoral age?”
  12. How would her modest life condemn women in this immodest age?

–Beth Johnson

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