Those Precious Little Words, “Oot Me”

Isaiah 46:4 (ESV) “Even to your old age I am He, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save.”

I have no recollection as to the exact origin of the phrase, “Oot me,” but one of our grandchildren manufactured it. Perhaps I should provide you some background information. The word, “oot” is pronounced like the word, “hoot” minus the sound of the H. During our grandchild’s language formation season, while attempting to say, “Hold me,” his words came out “Oot me.” And just like that it stuck, leaving these words forever immortalized in our family’s vocabulary.

I delight in hearing the words, “Oot me,” for they indicate my grandchild wants me to pick him up and hold him close. Without hesitation, I reach down and scoop up a precious little one whose arms open wide for my embrace.

There are numerous reasons our children need to be held. When they play hard and their tiny bodies grow weary, we hear “Oot me.” If their little life seems big and scary, overpowering their smallness, they run to us with, “Oot me.” When the challenges of growing up fill them with insecurities, it’s “Oot me.” When their feelings get hurt, “Oot me” heals their wounds. And sometimes “Oot me” is simply needed to feel the comfort of loving arms.

Friend, the sweetness of embrace is so very reminiscent of the relationship our Heavenly Father wishes to have with us. God is never too busy nor important to “Oot” us, for we are His precious children and He longs to hold us close. In His arms of love, our weariness finds rest. In His loving embrace, our insecurities vanish. All fear dissolves as He carries us through our darkest valleys. And when we feel overlooked by others, God sees us and reminds us we are adored. So open those arms up wide and prepare to be loved.

Father God, may we seek Your loving embrace.

Blessings for rest in His loving arms,

Rita Cochrane

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