Today, Tomorrow, and Forever

John 1:1 and 14 “In the beginning was the Word…”  vs. 14  “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”   Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same today, tomorrow, and forever.”

A number of years ago, I sat in the movie theater when someone’s cell phone rang.  The unfamiliar sound set the entire theater a-buzz; all of us certain a person of fame was close by.  You see, at that time, the rich and famous were the only ones who had this new device called a “cell phone.”  We normal-folk had only heard fantastic tales of a gigantic telephone that could be transported in a large case.  Miraculously, this phone was minus any cord that shackled your conversations to the wall.  It was evident no one else in the theater owned such a device because whispers set the place a-buzz and every head (including mine) swiveled in an effort to spot the famous person with this newfangled invention.

Fast forward to present day and you will find cell phones more common than pens and pencils.  Phones ring, not only in theaters, but also in churches, in doctors’ waiting rooms, during funerals, and in the middle of wedding vows.  But if you ask to borrow a writing utensil, you would be hard pressed to find one. Go figure!

I marvel at how quickly the elements of life change and how quickly we embrace those changes.  Some changes are rewarding and others are unwelcomed.  For example, legitimate shouts of joy can be heard in middle school the day the teacher assigns a new seating chart.   But if you were to walk into any church service on any given Sunday morning and issue everyone a different seat, there would be some shouting over the change alright, but most likely not from joy!

Life changes all around us.  But rest assured, there is one entity that never changes, never morphs into something new, is always exciting, and is never boring.  What is that?  God’s Word.

The Word of God has been in existence since the beginning.   The Word became flesh, lived among us on earth, and was given the name, Jesus.  Scripture tells us that Jesus, who was the Word of God, remains the same today, tomorrow, and forever.  Never changing!

God’s Word is not like clothing.  It never goes out of style.  God’s Word is not like the ocean tide that comes and goes.  And God’s Word is not like that seating chart, changing when boredom sets in.

Maybe, God’s Word is more like the soft blanket held tightly at night offering comfort to a tearful child. Or, God’s Word is like that soaking rain, providing life and glorious beauty to a dry earth.   Or perhaps, God’s Word is like a GPS system that navigates us safely to our destination.

Those words, “Today, tomorrow, and forever” offer stability and comfort in a world filled with rapid and constant change.  Through His Word, God reveals His indescribable love for us.  And that never changes.  It is the same, “Today, tomorrow, and forever.”  Praise God!

Father God, we praise you for the gift of your unchanging Word.  May we strive to live by your Word each and every day of our lives.


Rita Cochrane

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