Truth is, we’ve all been dead

I came home the other day to a terrible discovery; I had killed my husband’s basil plant.

I had every intention of seeing to it while he was out of town. However, I had completely forgotten to water it and his Goat Cheese, Tomato, and Basil pizza at our family drive-in just is not the same without the Basil.

I panicked and figured it was a lost cause but went ahead and drenched it anyway because according to my deep knowledge of plant life (or lack thereof) it couldn’t hurt, right?

The next day, much to my amazement, the bright green leaves were glistening in the sunlight and showed no sign of my neglect. I still can’t believe how that plant came back from a near-death experience.

The woman at the well had a similar story to tell (John 4). I can’t help but wonder how dark and dismal her world was pre-Jesus. Bad choices and broken roads had littered her path.

Did she have children?
Did they speak to her?
Did they use her like the men in her life did?
How lost did she feel?

How difficult was it to face each day thinking that this was her lot in life and nothing would ever change?
But good news was on the way; her withered, lifeless heart was revived the day she met living water.

Truth is, we’ve all been dead (Ephesians 2:5) but our God rolled the stone away from our graves. He gave us life and a purpose. He placed upon us a title of worth and calls us his chosen:

Even if we’ve made monumental mistakes.
Even if we’ve hurt those we love the most.
Even if we think we have nothing to offer.
Even if everyone else has given up on us.
Even if the whole world thinks we don’t deserve it. God says we do.

Don’t listen to the lies of this world. Where Jesus is, there is peace, hope, and love. Immerse yourself in living water (John 4:13-14, John 7:38) and let God bring you to life.

by Paula Harrington

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