Weary and Scattered

Matthew 9:36 NKJV “But when He (Jesus) saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.”

The caller I.D. displays “potential spam,” and just as you guessed, your car warranty has expired yet again. With an eyeroll, you hang up the phone only to realize “Mr. Potential Spam” woke the baby who now demands a diaper change and bottle. But while soothing the fussy baby, your smoke alarm blares and before you can bolt to the kitchen, dinner is burned. You consider bailing but forgot to fill the car with gas so your only means of escape sits useless in the driveway.

Oh well, just another Monday!

Our most mundane days accumulate to overwhelm us. Relentless schedules scatter us in every direction and leave us weary to the bone. But friend, if misery loves company (and it does), take heart. We not only find our tribe of “weary and scattered” people in scripture, we also find the solution.

In the book of Matthew as Jesus traveled the towns, masses of people followed. This Jesus was a breath of fresh air who taught with authority. It was as if He knew God. He performed spectacular miracles and provided new insights on old teachings. As the people surrounded Him, the heart of Jesus felt compassion on them, for they resembled a “weary and scattered” flock of sheep in need of a shepherd.

Let’s stop here for self-reflection. Do we ever find ourselves in a state of weariness? Are we scattered to the wind with schedules that exhaust our bodies and deplete our souls? Like the multitudes of long ago, do we seek the teachings of peace and grace that only the Savior can offer?

The Son of God did not depart His perfect heavenly home and come to earth so that we might live a weary and scattered life. No! Humans, easily achieve that on their own. Christ came to lead us to an abundant and victorious life of peace found only in Him. How refreshing to know that even amid our hectic schedules today, the Savior remains the cure for the weary and scattered.

Father God, may we refuse to live a weary and scattered life.


Rita Cochrane

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