Weekend Bible study

We have decided to try offering the “Deeper Insight” articles as a weekend Bible study versus a special link in the Monday-Friday devotionals.  We do not plan to have a Deeper Insight article every weekend, but will post these as they become available.  If you would like to offer some feedback on this trial, please do so.  Thank you, staff.


The syrophenician woman (Beth Johnson)

As a child, when I first read the story of the Syrophenician woman and her daughter, I was struck by the apparent devotion this mother had for her afflicted daughter. I was deeply impressed. Even now, being a mother has helped me understand that one can love a child whether or not he or she is perfectly formed or of perfect health.

Many skeptics and those who would find fault with Jesus, the son of God, have pointed to this account with relish. They claim that Jesus was not only a racist but also quite cruel in his remarks; however, they fail to understand the mystery of the gospel of Christ. How much do the Scriptures reveal about this mother – daughter pair?
Read more here:


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