I Samuel 25:17-18a “Now therefore, know and consider what you will do… Then Abigail made haste…”
Don’t we love to wake up to the perfect start of our day? The coffee is hot, inbox is purged, google calendar is updated, and to top it off, it’s a good hair day. But then without warning, craziness and pandemonium roll in like an avalanche threatening suffocation.
One thing is for sure: “Crazy” always arrives unwelcomed, and once on the scene, crazy spreads like crazy. But if we think about it, life was never intended for perpetual bliss. (Oh, that place exists, but not on this side of eternity.) So, for here and now, our earthly moments of calm will be hijacked by crazy!
I’m so grateful, scripture offers us mentors to guide us through the craziness of life. My favorite is Abigail because she remains forever calm on the pages of scripture.
Sweet Abigail was married to foolish Nabal, who, amid her holiday preparation, threw her world into chaos. Solving this debacle was placed solely upon Abigail when a servant appealed to her:
“Now therefore, know and consider what you will do… Then Abigail made haste…” (I Samuel 25:17-18a)
If you read her story, you might be astounded at how Abigail kept her calm. She did not fly off the handle nor make threats. She did not sit to stew over it. Instead, she, “made haste” to solve the issue.
How did Abigail triumph so quickly? Let me suggest that prior to that day, residing within Abigail’s heart was a moral compass calibrated towards God. There was no need for her to delay action so that she might consider godly plans and options. Her values steered her towards humility, peace, generosity, respect, and calm. These practices already lived within her heart.
An ill-calibrated moral compass leads us to fly-off-the-handle when things go wrong. Anger and revenge become our landing place and righteous judgement gets crowded out. But living a life immersed in God’s Word instills within us a moral compass that inspires and guides us to peaceful godly solutions.
I want to be like Abigail when I grow up. Now before you laugh, remember, today is a new day. Anything is possible! So, friend, join me in recalibrating our compass towards God, so when crazy shows up (and it will), we will be Abigail-ready!
Father God, may we seek you as our destination for all the chaos life brings.
Rita Cochrane