Hosea 14:1-2 “Return O Israel, to the LORD your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity. Take with you words and return to the LORD. . .” ESV
I am picky about the books I read and must first determine if its pages are worth the time. My literary preference demands a book have a “happily ever after” conclusion. Despite the anticipated dangerous twists and turns in the plot, sweet satisfaction must come with a beautifully wrapped up final chapter. Honestly, I won’t read the book otherwise and have been known to flip to the back of the book to verify its ending. (I am sure a number of you die-hard literary women just cringed.)
Such can be the books of our lives. Our happy chapters document our peace, patience, joy, love, and faithfulness followed by the dangerous chapters of our gossip, lies, pride, and jealousy. If we stop and analyze our current plot, we may realize the trajectory of our ending is not the one we desire. Inviting God to co-author our stories is our guarantee that the final chapter will reveal a happy ending.
In Joshua 6, we find the story of Rahab, the prostitute, recorded with all the twists and turns of a New York Times best-seller. It is never revealed to the reader what road led this woman to a life of prostitution but her profession causes us to assume her life was a difficult one. Her chapters weave in and out of controversy, secrets, and danger leaving the reader to anticipate Rahab’s certain annihilation along with the destruction of all Jericho. However, when Rahab allowed Jehovah God to co-author the second half of her story, an unlikely ending emerged and despite the chaos at the beginning of her book, the final chapters recorded her “happily ever after.”
Sisters, the story God will co-author with us is far sweeter than any story we write on our own. Our past chapters cannot be rewritten, but our final chapters have yet to be determined. Oh, what a happy ending we can anticipate as we relinquish control and allow the mighty Hand of God to write our story.
Father God, may your holy presence grace each and every page of our life’s story.
Rita Cochrane