Who provides the warmth of the sun, the moonlit nights, the stars, your children?

I’ve heard as well as you those who say we don’t need God in the workplace, Friday night football games, commencement ceremonies, etc.   These events and many more have been relegated to the trash heap of time, but I wondered is this truly what we want?  Sometimes people listen to those who are arrogant and believe they can handle things on their own, or don’t believe at all.  Can they provide seed which produces food, animals, humans, trees, the warmth of the sun.  Can they make it rain, or snow?   All of these things are provided by God, not man.

And the idea has translated into the removal of every religious symbol in government work places.  From there it has progressed to the removal of the The Ten Commandments and crosses.  And now into the removal of the very mention of God in text books.  Do you see how sin works when we allow these things to happen?  This has created a workplace more sympathetic to atheism than to freedom “OF” religion.  Notice the word, “OF”  and not the word “FROM.”  There is a distinctive difference.

Who provides the warmth of the sun, the moonlit nights, the stars, your children?  Who can give vision, make you walk, talk, your heart beat?

There would be no need for hospitals to help the injured, the sick, for there would be no goodness, no hope, no love, nor compassion or understanding.

Man is not good.  Goodness comes from God.  Blessings come from God.  Salvation comes from God.

“And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou Me good?  there is none good but One, that is, God.”   Mark 10:18

“The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble;  and He knoweth them that trust in Him.”    Nahum 1:7

“Shall mortal man be more just than God;  shall a man be more pure than his Maker?”    Job 4:17

I have watched insects and their tiny legs move.  I have seen the intricacies of a butterfly’s wing, the migration of birds from season to season, the birth of a child, the tiniest of details in a snowflake.  When you observe all of nature and all of God’s creation we get a glimpse of a Mighty Creator who cares, and cares deeply for man.

The question is.  Do you truly want a world without God?

“There is a French proverb that says, ‘you not only have to want what you want, but you have to want what it leads to.’  Simply put, if keeping God out of the workplace is desirable, then we must want or accept what a workplace without God becomes.  I suspect that values such as honesty, integrity, civility, cooperation, and readiness will not be easily found in such an environment.  And if those values are what we want, then what we want is God in all our life.”      ~ Holderby

Eileen Light

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