Would God be happy with you?

He is not enamored with the strength of a horse, nor is he impressed by the warrior’s strong legs. The Lord takes delight in his faithful followers, and in those who wait for his loyal love. Psalm 147.10-11

Man is impressed by many things, principally when they have to do with strength, wisdom, and wealth. A person is deemed worthy if they live in the right neighborhood, wear the proper clothes, have all the right answers, or run a marathon. Most of us are not very impressive.

The encouraging thing is that God does not see things in the same way. He is not impressed with how smart a person is, what they can do, or how much they have. He takes delight in his faithful followers, those who are doing the best they can to abide with him and obey his word.

God is already the owner of everything that we have on this earth. We can never have enough things to impress him. It is difficult to impress the one who made the universe and everything in it with how much wisdom and knowledge that you have.

There is one thing that makes God happy, to see his children being faithful to him, even during the hard times. Would God be happy with you?

Vicki Matheny

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